
Useful Info

Side events


Published in April 2018



Published in April 2018

Hospitality Package(s)


Published in April 2018

Camp for Beach Volleyball fans



Weather conditions in the same period when the event will be scheduled

average temperature16.7 °C

average precipitation (monthly statistics - june) 92 mm


Sunrise and sunset time

Sunrise 4:40 a.m.

Sunset 8:49 p.m.




Local Tourism Info

Recommended hotels



Tourist Attractions

- Our venue: Dolní Vítkovice – a unique, globally renowned area in the centre of Ostrava where coal used to be mined and pig iron produced between 1828 and 1998.  Now the industrial complex has transformed into a unique educational, social and cultural centre of a significance reaching beyond the region.  On a daily basis the area is there to serve the Ostrava inhabitants and tourists from all over the world.


- Mining Museum Landek Park

- Silesian Ostrava Castle

- New Town Hall Lookout Tower (Ostrava)




Time zone


CET (Central European Time)

Useful Info: